

博彩平台推荐 was founded in 1887 as one of the first all-graduate institutions in the country. 今天, Clark promotes a rigorous liberal arts curriculum within the context of a research experience that addresses challenges on a global scale.

我们是私人资助的, 男女合校的, 并无宗派的, 我们提供学士学位, 硕士、证书, and doctoral degree programs in a wide range of disciplines.



Get a glimpse of 博彩平台推荐 in this mini-information session video.


美国最好的大学.S. 新闻与世界报道

U.S. 新闻与世界报道

前5名 National Universities with enrollments of 3,000 and under

#38 in 最具价值学校

#48 in Top 项目 to Look For: Undergraduate 研究 / Creative Projects



世界排名第三 本科游戏设计

世界排名第七的是 美术硕士

#5 in Best 学校 for Making an Impact

其中之一 Best Business 学校: Best On-Campus 工商管理硕士s



#88 of 1528 in Colleges with the Best Professors in America

Colleges that change lives

Colleges That Change Lives

One of only 40 schools in the book 改变人生的大学

How do Clark’s graduate programs rank?


  • Accreditations: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE); Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business; American Psychological Association (clinical psychology doctoral program)
  • 授予学位:B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., MAED, 垫, 工商管理硕士, 工商管理硕士 / MSA, 工商管理硕士 /无国界医生组织, MFA, MPA, MPA-SLP, MSA, MSAA, MSBA, MSC, msc, MSDA, 无国界医生组织, MSIT, 二甲基砜, 二甲基砜K, 二甲基砜KA, MSPM, MSSEA, 姆斯塔, Ph.D.、证书
  • Undergraduate majors, College of Arts and Sciences: 35
  • Most popular declared majors:
    • 心理学
    • 政治科学
    • 互动媒体
    • 管理
    • 生物学
  • Average undergraduate class size: 20
  • Study abroad programs (20+ countries): 50+
  • Approximate percentage of Clark undergraduates who 出国留学: 30%
  • Undergraduate majors, School of Professional Studies: 8, including General Studies
  • 加速B.A./硕士 degrees (fifth year, with most tuition-free): 19
  • 证书课程:11个
  • 硕士学位:25个
  • 博士学位:8个
  • 博彩平台推荐 endowment 5.14亿美元
  • 学生总数:3827人
  • Undergraduates, College of Arts and Sciences: 2,349
    • First-year undergraduates: 817
    • 2022 fall semester transfer students: 55
    • BIPOC (U.S.): 26%
    • First-generation college: 15%
    • 国际:7%
    • 学生 who complete an internship or experiential learning opportunity by the time they graduate: 100%
    • Outcomes: 97% of the Class of 2019 was employed, 在研究生院, or performing voluntary service six months after graduation
  • 研究生:1478人
  • 校友: Approximately 40,000
  • Full-time instructional faculty: 228
  • Student-to-faculty ratio: 9:1
  • All tenure-line faculty are engaged in research and/or creative work.
  • Annual grant expenditures (five-year average): $5,578,000
  • First-year undergraduates (day college) living in campus housing: 95%
  • Percentage of all undergraduates who live on campus: 68%
  • Percentage of all graduate students who live on campus: 14%
  • Student clubs and organizations: 130+
  • Varsity sports (NCAA Division III): 17
  • 学生报纸: 那鲜红的
  • Student online radio: ROCU
  • 贝克尔设计学院 & 技术
  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Graduate School of Geography
  • Department of Sustainability and Social Justice
  • 商学院
  • School of Professional Studies
  • Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice
  • Center for Gender, Race, and Area Studies
  • Center for Geospatial Analytics
  • George Perkins Marsh Institute
  • Hiatt Center for Urban Education
  • Higgins School of Humanities
  • Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise
  • Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • 罗伯特·H. Goddard 图书馆 (main university 图书馆)
  • 珍妮X. Kasperson 研究 图书馆
  • Rose 图书馆 at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • Fuller Resource 图书馆 (Visual and Performing Arts media collections)
Group of students with Clark mascot


From Family Weekend to Commencement, we host several key events throughout the year to keep the Clark community connected.